(Affiliated with National Federation of Postal Employees)
CHQ: Madurai Head Post office, Madurai 625 001.
SHP Jasmine jalal begam M
P P Karthikeyan A
8939289896 94420 91895 90438 29530
President Circle Secretary Treasurer
Circular dated 01.05.2016
May Day is celebrated all
over the world every year as usual to the memories of Chicago martyrs for their
historic struggle and sacrifice for 8 hours day in 1886. May Day is the day of
inspiration to all the workers in the world. As
international working class and working class of India, we resolve to
fight back the disastrous policies of Liberalization, Privatization and
Globalization. In this 130th May Day we take pledge “To fight
against the Government’s economic policies and to carry out struggle for our
demands in 7th CPC, GDS demands, Save Postal, Protection of Pension
and achieve the Audit status to SBCO cadre.
Revolutionary May Day Greetings to all SBCO
AIPSBCOEA made history in the SBCO arena
With the steady increase of
membership over the years, our Association
LEADS in the SBCO cadre by this April 2016. Really it is a very good news
to all. This remarkable achievement is attributed by the settlements of various
issues that affected SBCO cadre in Circle level due to our efforts. Witnessing the proper and efficient
functioning of our Association, young comrades call on us over phone and in
person for voluntarily enrolling in our Association. The present setup of office bearers of our Association
rendered tremendous and hard work job in
further building of our Association. It is surprise to note that the members
of rival union also approach our Association for redressal of their grievances.
Our AIPSBCOEA will be the only association in Tamilnadu and our journey is only in that direction.
Re allotment issue in our SBCO cadre
Our Association take up the issue of reallottment to other Region /
Circle with the Circle administration and Directorate during November 2015
itself for early settlement of the same and as a subject in the Four monthly
meeting with CPMG also. The
administration assured to consider the cases when new recruitment joined in our
Department. SSC results are awaited and likely to be expected in the last week
of July 2016. We will move further in this issue.
Induction Training to newly recruited SBCO
matter is put up as one of the subject in the Four monthly meeting with CPMG,
TN circle and discussed elaborately. We are given reply that the case had been
taken up with Directorate by the Circle Administration and reminder will be issued for early order for induction
But, burying all the above
facts, our rival union claims that they are achieving these things. Truth
cannot be hidden for a long time. Instead of indulging in such type of cheap
activities, we expect that our rival union may try to do some good things to
our SBCO cadre, if they can.
7th CPC -
Present position
Taking into consideration all the aspects, the NJCA decided to defer
the indefinite strike from April 11th to July 11th and to serve the strike
notice on June 9th instead of March 11th.
Now the ball is in the Govt.’s court. Before June 9th, ie. date of serving
strike notice, the Government will be getting seven month time from the date of
submission of the 7th CPC report, to take a final decision on all the demands
and also to come to a negotiated settlement with the staff side. Any
further delay is unwarranted and unjustified and cannot be tolerated. If
the Government take an adamant stand and reject the justified demands of the
staff side, we will be forced to serve notice for indefinite strike from July
Circle Secretary
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