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Sunday, September 19, 2021


Ref No.AIPSBCOEA/SBCO issues/TN/2021                                                 Dated: 26.08.2021


The Chief Postmaster General,

Tamil Nadu Circle,

Chennai- 600 002.

Subject:        Regarding issues Of SBCO officials…

Reference:   1. Supreme Court Order dated 13.02.2017, in LA.No. 2,3 &4/2016 in SLP ( C ) No.    


                       2. Directorate  letter No. 22-06/2000-PE-I (Pt.) Dated 08th May, 2017.

                       3. Circle Office memo No. STA/76-Union/19 dated 18.01.2021.

Respected Sir,

          On behalf of AIPSBCOEA, some of the issues of the SBCO officials are brought to the kind notice of the Honorable Chief Postmaster General for necessary action Please.

 1.  Regarding Non compliance of Directorate instruction vide No. 22-06/2000-PE-I(Pt) Dt. 08.05.2017 in pursuance of Honorable Supreme Court of India over/ judgement dt. 13.02.2017 in LA.No. 2,3 &4/2016 in SLP ( C ) No. 35654/2015, in the matter of Uol and Others. Vs. S. Bheesmachar and Others for extension of the monetary benefits by considering placement under TBOP/BCR Scheme in cases where seniors are considered for placement at par with their juniors. The Association has taken up this issue several times but to the disappointment almost all Divisions throughout the Circle except very few have not complied the instructions of your good office mentioned in reference no 3 cited above after passing about more than 3 years of Honorable Supreme Court of India judgement and many officials have been retired in between without getting their due benefits/payment. It is therefore requested to kindly look into the matter personally & cause compliance of Honorable Supreme Court of India order without further delay.

2.  Request for relief of the SBCO officials ordered for inter- regional transfers to join their new place of posting. Those SBCO officials are not yet relieved since many months and even a year has passed for some officials since orders have been issued. All such officials have their own genuine reasons for joining with their family members during this Pandemic and work efficiently with peace of mind. Hence, we request the respected Chief Postmaster General to issue necessary instructions to the regions concerned for relieving the SBCO officials ordered for inter-regional transfers without further delay.

A line of Reply is solicited, Please.   

  With Regards,


(SHP Jasmine Jalal Begam)

Circle Secretary,

Tamil Nadu Circle.




No. AIPSBCOEA/TN/Voucher Posting in SAP module/TN/2021               Dated:  28.07.2021.


The Chief Postmaster General,

Tamil Nadu Circle,

Chennai- 600 002.

 Respected Sir,

              Subject: Voucher Posting noticed for CBS transactions in SAP module reg…

               Ref    :  1. No. 74/SB Post CSI-FSI Issues/OTHR 2021-22 dated 02.07.2021 from O/o    

                                the GM PA & F, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai-8.

                           2. SB/400-14/2020 Chennai 600 002 the 26.07.2021 from O/o the CPMG, Tamil

                                 Nadu Circle, Chennai-2.

                                 On behalf of the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association, it is brought to the kind notice of the Chief Postmaster General few points regarding the subject and the references cited above.

                           Directorate’s Order: With reference to the SB Order 4/2021 dated 08.03.2021, in para 6(ii)(a): “To Check the Manual corrections made for Finacle related figures in CSI Daily Account by Login in CSI-SAP and run the TCODE ZFSI_DOC_LOG for generating report for all CSI Facility IDs under their jurisdiction for previous working day on daily basis. If any entry is found made by the users other than system user viz. SAPFAOP, which can be checked by looking at User Name column of the report, document number of the concerned transaction entry may be noted. The noted document number shall be checked in CSI-SAP by running a T Code FBO3. In case of any such manual entry, it should be checked that whether appropriate sanction/order is enclosed for manual correction for the accounts. If it is not available, objections are to be raised and copy of Objection Register is to be sent to Postmaster concerned and Divisional Head.”

                      But vide the references 1 & 2 cited above, it has been mentioned that “Since GL integration has already been implemented w.e.f 16.10.2019, all SBCOs may be requested to carry out the checks mentioned in the SB Order no.04/2021 for the period from 16.10.2019 onwards. The transactions entered directly using F-02 may also be monitored on daily basis through T-code FAGLL03(segment OTHR).

                    The instructions in the letters dated 2.7.2017 and 26.7.2021 issued by the GM PA& F and Circle Office are not in order. Because the SB Order 4/2021 was issued by the Directorate on 08.03.2021; and whichever orders issued the works mentioned in the orders is to be implemented from the date of issue of the order only. Hence the works mentioned in the SB Order 4/2021 is to be implemented from the date of issue i.e. 08.03.2021 only.

             The instructions issued to do the back dated work from 16.10.2019 is inhuman as this will only pave way for pendency in the voucher checking in all the SBCO units in the acute staff shortage situation in the SBCO units of almost all H.O.s except very few units. This type of orders for doing the 2 years of back dated work is not logical or practical in this scenario. Also all the reports may be very well fetched at the O/o the GM PA & F in this GL integrated atmosphere and the discrepancies wherever noticed may be sent to the corresponding Divisional Heads for verifying whether relevant sanction/approval orders are obtained by the APMs/SPMs for the manual corrections done for the period till 08.03.2021.

             Hence on behalf of the AIPSBCOEA, it is requested that the Honorable Chief Postmaster General may kindly look into the matter and issue orders to dispense the back dated work from 16.10.2019 which is not at all practical/possible to the SBCO officials in the staff shortage situation and allotment of many new works vide the SB Order 4/2021 dated 08.03.2021 (viz.  Checking manual corrections, Checking of Office accounts, Checking deleted and unverified transactions) in addition to 100% voucher checking.

 A line of reply is solicited Please.


                                                                                                      / SHP. JASMINE JALAL BEGAM/

                                                                                                                            Circle Secretary

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