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Monday, March 1, 2021


No.AIPSBCOEA/TN/officiating arrangement/2021                            Dated : 10.02.2021


The Chief Postmaster General,

Tamil Nadu Circle,

Chennai – 600 002.

 Respected Sir,

 Sub:  Request ordering officiating arrangement in LSG/HSG II / HSG I  cadre in SBCO.

Ref: 1. Circle office letter no. STA / 76-Union/16 dt 23.09.20

        2. Circle office letter no. STA /2-81/2017 dt 16.02.2017 & letter of even no.

            Dated 07.11.2017.

    This is regarding making officiating arrangement in LSG / HSG II / HSG I supervisory cadre in SBCO which hold higher responsibility.

    In this connection, a kind  reference is invited to the Circle office letter cited above in Sl No. 1, where in it was communicated to all Regions to make officiating arrangement in LSG/HSG II/HSG Cadre in SBCO based on the AIPSBCOEA letter dated 25.8.2020.

    As per the  references  cited  in Sl. No. 2 above the vacant LSG Supervisory posts may be filled with the eligible PAs who are granted Financial up gradation under MACP I  in pay band  I  of Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade pay Rs. 2800/- and above, the vacant HSG II posts may be filled  with the officials in LSG/PA cadre who are granted financial up gradation under MACP II  in pay band II of Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs. 4200/- and above, the vacant HSG I posts may be filled with the officials in HSG II/PA cadre who are granted financial up gradation under MACP III in pay band II of Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs. 4600/- . The same was ordered for making Officiating arrangements in SBCO cadre vide the Circle Office letter dated 23.9.2020.

    Inspite of the Circle Office letter dated 23.9.2020, still the Regions have not yet implemented the Officiating arrangements in SBCO cadre. In Western Region and Southern Region only willingness have been called for from the eligible officials earlier during October 2020.

     It is understood that SBCO being Circle Cadre , the Officiating arrangements may be made within the Regions , from one Division to another as per the need basis unlike the General line PAs who are Divisional Cadre. The regular service eligibility for promotion of LSG officials  to HSG II posts and HSG II officials to HSG I posts may be relaxed as per the C.O. orders dated 16.2.2017 & 07.11.2017 based on their MACPs and Grade pays of Rs. 4200/- and Rs. 4600/- respectively to fill all the vacant Supervisory posts as an one time measure, as there are no eligible officials in HSG II & HSG I posts except one official completing 6 years of service in LSG in Southern Region as of now. Also, there will be no expenditure to the department as the officials would have already  received the MACP Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- for officiating the HSG II posts and Rs. 4600/- Grade pay for officiating the HSG I posts as per the C.O orders dated 16.2.2017 & 07.11.2017. Moreover this arrangement is purely temporary till the posts are filled on regular basis by the eligible officials. So, the officials cannot claim seniority too.  Hence , the orders are very clear and  it is requested to implement the same immediately as a long period has already lapsed since 23.9.2020. (Date of C.O letter regarding officiating arrangement).

    Hence, on behalf of AIPSBCOEA, it is requested to kindly issue suitable instructions to all the Regions to make officiating arrangement in LSG / HSG II and HSG I supervisory cadre of  SBCO  as many units are running without Supervisors for years together and also if this officiating arrangements are implemented the next senior officials in the Gradation list will get their regular LSG promotion without declining the same.

 A line of Reply is solicited Please.

 With Regards,


 / SHP JasmineJalal Begam /

                                                                                                                        Circle Secretary  

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