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Monday, March 18, 2019


                             The  Central Working Committee meeting was held at M.P. Club, North Avenue, New Delhi -110001 on 3rd March 2019. The Special invitees were Com. Giri Raj Singh,  President NFPE & General Secretary R-III and Com. S.B. Yadav, G.S  AIPAEA who spared their valuable time to grace the meeting.

                            Homage was paid to the demise of various eminent Personalities. All the international and National situations were discussed. The result and victory of the two days strike on 8th and 9th  January 2019 were discussed with arguments. The necessity to Scrap the ‘NPS’ was emphasized in detail. The charter of demands of PJCA (NFPE & FNPO) including filling up of vacancy, Scrap bench mark in MACPs, withdrawal of NPS , Implementing 5 days week in postal and RMS , Granting of Audit Status to SBCO, Permission to all staff of C.O,  PM cadre, SBCO, Postal Accounts, RMS/MMS to  appear in Departmental Examinations for promotion to PSS Group B were highlighted by various members and office bearers.

                             The Future agitational Programmes Proposed by CCGE & W & NFPE were discussed in detail. The Negative attitude of Rival union against SBCO cadre was strongly condemned. The  judgement given by the Honourable Madras High Court  in favour of our AIPSBCOEA and the complete course and result of the court case was explained to all the office bearers with the judgement copy.   The  recognition of our AIPSBCOEA  is therefore  to be  very soon restored  through  the above judgement.

                             The letters written by AIPSBCOEA to the Department of posts  dt 23.4.2018 regarding  the existence of old qualifying service condition (3 yrs & 5 yrs ) in Amendment of the Recruitment  Rules for the  AAO and Post of Inspector through LDCE ,  letter dt 4.1.2019 which was the  reply  given against  the DG post  letter  stating that  the reason for delayed detection of fraud  was the failure of SBCO  to carry out the prescribed checks and functions,   letter dt  24.01.2019 regarding  entrusting of NSC/KVP work to SBCO strongly  opposing  the same  and the follow up action taken was discussed with suggestions from all the members .

                            The  Future  course  of action by AIPSBCOEA on the issues like Contributory Negligence,  Rotational Transfer guidelines, Time Factors for SBCO staff for day – to – day  work in digital scenario, filling up of vacant posts, Grant of Audit Status and  transferring the Administrative Control  of SBCO to DPA/AO ICO(SB)  ,DPS (Region) instead of Divisional heads  were discussed in detail and resolutions passed.

                            The Financial status of Association was discussed with Income and Expenditure w.e.f  01.11.2017 to 28.02.2019.  Finally Invitation was  given to all office bearers to attend the  “Seminar  on NPS “  on 7th April ‘ 2019 at A.B. Bajpai Scientific Convention Centre, Shahmine Road, Chowk, Lucknow . The Felicitation of Our General Secretary  Com.  Virendra Tewary, will be done on the same day on behalf of  Reception Committee  of Lucknow. All our members are invited to attend the function  to honour our General Secretary.

NFPE  ZINDABAD!!!                                                                   AIPSBCOEA  ZINDABAD!!!

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