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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Confirmation orders to SBCO officials


Dear Friends,

Vanakkam. As you all already know, we had taken up the case with CPMG, T N circle on issuance of confirmation orders to all eligible SBCO officials vide our letter no. AIPSBCOEA/01/2016 dated 04.02.16.

Now the Circle office has issued orders to all Regions to process the issue.( CO lr no. STA/76 - Union /14 dated  12.02.2016 ) Our office bearers in the Regions will follow the case in the Regional level and we hope we will get it done within a short span of time.

Earlier there is some confusion over the competent authority for issuance of confirmation orders in Dvl and Regional levels. As we had taken up the issue with the CO, now it is made clear that Regions are competent to issue the orders.

Victory to AIPSBCOEA                                                                                Long live AIPSBCOEA

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