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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

           Power of  transfer of SBCO Staff may

                     GO AWAY from AOICO :

Our CHQ  addressed to stop the move immediately 


(Affiliated with National Federation of Postal Employees)
CHQ:Plot No.4, Sri Vadivelan Nagar, A. Kosakulam, Madurai 625 017

V G Govindarajulu                               M P P Karthikeyan                                A Jesuraja
    98845 89284                                        94420 91895                                        90438 29530
     President                                        Circle Secretary                                       Treasurer     
No.AIPSBCOEA/HQ/02 /2015                                                                           Dated :06.06.2015

General Secretary,
All India Postal SBCO Employees Association,
1st floor, North Avenue Post office building, New Delhi 110 001.

Dear Comrade,
Sub: Transfer and placement committees in the DOP for recommending transfers/postings of  the officers / officials of the Department – reg.

  Ref: DG post letter no. 4-09/2011/-SPG (Pt) dated at New Delhi the 30.03.2015

*  *  *  *  *

With reference to the above cited letter, our Circle Union wishes to place the following few things for the perusal of  our General Secretary please.

As per the letter cited, the AO ICO (SB) has no role in the transfers / postings of SBCO officials of different cadre. The Transfer and placement  committee will be comprising of APMG or AD staff who are Executive officers.

It is needless to say that our role of SBCO is to monitor the functions of SB branch  and to point out the discrepancies / deficiencies in the function of  SB branch which is directly controlled by the Executive officers.

Only for the best functioning of our SBCO branch for the betterment of our Department, we are placed under the control of AO ICO (SB) who is the technical advisor to the DPS of the Region / Circle regarding SB operations and technically control the SB and SBCO branches of HO.


Already our SBCO officials are facing victimization in writing of APARs by the Executive officers and the DTE  order cited above is adding  fuel to the fire only.  Our Circle Union already has reservation over the reply given in the JCM regarding writing of APARs of our SBCO officials by the Divisional Head. Migration to CBS in respect of all POs is a longer process for which a time frame could not be given. In such a situation, the reply given in JCM is only an Eye wash, delaying tactics and pave a way to further victimize our staff, according to the views of our Circle Union.

In such a situation, if the transfer and posting powers are vested with the Executive officers, it will obviously be used to victimize the SBCO officials who are monitoring a branch controlled by the Executive officers.  Moreover, AO ICO (SB) has a close liaison with the SBCO branch and its staff. Hence the officer would have a better assessment over the function and performance  of SBCO officials and it is very much appropriate that AO ICO (SB) be a Chairman of the Transfer and placement committee as far as SBCO  officials are concerned.

For the aforesaid reasons, Our Circle Union wishes the CHQ  to take up the matters with Directorate and to get the orders suitably modified so that  AO ICO (SB)  will be the competent authority to write the APARs of our SBCO staff and will be the chairman of the transfer and placement committee for the SBCO officials of different cadre (or) at least a member nominated by the CPMG/PMG  in the transfer and placement committee.

A line in reply is solicited please.

Thanking you,
                                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,


                                                                                                                           Circle Secretary

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